Our Approach
Our approach to benefits planning joins our many years of experience and expertise with your unique needs and goals. Each client is different is multiple ways. We help you create a customized plan that will guide your organization's benefit decisions.
Strategic Planning & Risk Management
By defining objectives and developing an action plan based on meeting those objectives, we ensure an organized, comprehensive approach to fulfilling your benefits needs. Our careful strategic planning services include ongoing evaluation of all your plan’s characteristics, such as access, service and price, to ensure a proper balance is achieved. Strategic planning also shields your plan from becoming obsolete as new trends and market factors emerge and can help with budgeting and long-term cost management.
Foundation takes a fundamentally different approach to risk management by integrating analytics with targeted solutions to address those risks. We do this through a set of client customized, actionable, measurable solutions with bottom line impact to our clients’ business.
Financial Analysis & Monitoring
We have has managed medical benefits programs for hundreds of employer groups in an effort to keep costs below comparable levels experienced by other employers. Our aggressive management technique includes a number of internal medical management and preventive health initiatives.
As the health care industry continues to change, our firm has remained ahead of the game. With leading-edge technology, we can obtain meaningful information that helps us evaluate cost drivers, trends and savings opportunities associated with our clients’ benefits plans. In addition, we work to evaluate the impact of various plan management initiatives and forecast the impact of future plan changes.
We provide employer groups with tools that will provide consistent year-to-year data, easy-to-read reports and comparative benchmarks. This highly meaningful yet understandable information enables us to work together with your data in a continuous, interactive manner as plan management issues arise.
Compliance & Legislation
There are countless rules and regulations governing employee benefit plans. Our expert team will help ensure that you are meeting your compliance obligations. We stay up to date and will inform you of any laws or regulations that may affect your employee benefit program.
Population Health & Wellness
Wellness benefits refer to the education and activities that a workplace may implement to promote healthy lifestyles to employees and their families. Examples of wellness programming include health education classes, subsidized use of fitness facilities, internal policies or activities that promote healthy behavior, and any other activity, policy or environmental change that affects the health of employees. At Foundation Health Consultants, we help you develop a results-driven wellness program based on the needs and culture of your organization.
Client Management & Ongoing Administrative Services
Foundation is a data driven, results oriented organization. However, data alone does not guide employer groups since it needs to be pulled together in a meaningful way. We feel that consistent, thorough consulting provides the context for businesses to make important and impactful decisions. We have the focus and experience to guide you through these challenging times.
We prepare and present information pertaining to your benefit packages to executive committees, insurance committees and board meetings as frequently as required. Presentations have ranged from general explanations about how your benefit plan works to analyzing and strategizing about the future funding and plan design of your benefit package.
We collaborate across all levels of our company to provide clients with uncommon solutions that vary based upon a specific client’s individual needs, but may include regular planning and/or evaluation meetings, facilitation of a vendor selection process, access to training and workshops, and sharing of updated health materials, campaigns and resources
Communications Planning & Employee Engagement
Understanding the complexity of employee benefits plans is a challenge even for experienced benefits managers. Employers must keep abreast of constantly changing trends, laws and other regulations. Meanwhile, employees need to fully understand their benefits in order to be wise consumers and understand the value of their “hidden paycheck.”
Our team helps you navigate important issues and tackle your mounting employee communication challenges. With strategic planning and thorough understanding of your communication objectives, we provide custom communication materials that will help your employees understand their plans and the issues influencing your benefits decisions.
Benefits Technology & Administration
Foundation Health Conultants provide market leading expertise and insights on benefits technology alternatives and emerging
solutions. We analyze and optimize internal HR/Benefits administration resources and processes while supporting the delivery of streamlined technology to employees/plan participants.